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2004.11.05 | 미분류

현재 러시아 정부에서 아무르표범 서식지를 관통하는 오일 파이프라인을 게획중인 것으로 알려졌으며 피닉스재단과 티그리스파운데이션이 일단 먼저 움직이고 있답니다. 아래 내용중 제안서를 현재 제가 받아본 상태인데 아직 공식적인 공개는 되지 않는 관계로 아무르표범 만원계계원중 제게 메일로 부탁하는 분에게만 발송하되 이외로 유출시키지 않겠다는 장담을 해주신 분에게만 가능합니다.

현재 이름은 칼시프(KALCF)로 정해졌습니다.

Dear YoungJun kim,

I am very happy with your continued and increasing support. I will make a mention on the website of the sponsor group.

The latest news is that there is still a big risk that an oil pipeline will be built to the leopard area. The Russians will first decide (before 15 December) if the pipeline will go to the Japanese Sea, or to China.

Phoenix and I will soon organise a press conference to inform journalists about the results of the fire analysis and the social analysis 9these reports are on the website) and ask their help in a media campaign to make people in leopard area more careful with fire and more knowledgable about Amur leopard conservation. The media campaign should help to make the local people in the leopard area more willing to report poaching activities and illegal trade of leopard skins to the anti-poaching team. Phoenix and I will also develop a new brochure for adults that live in small villages in leopard habitat (the brochure will have the same goals as the media campaign). I already wrote a draft brochure text. Phoenix staff members, volunteer anti-poaching team members, and professional AP team members will all assist in distributing the brochure personally. We will talk to individual people in the villages personally and give them a brochure after we talked with them. This will be a lot of work, because we want to distribute 5000 brochures, one by one, in this way.

this is the most important news.

I send a proposal to WWF Holland (WWF Holland is named WNF). The proposal describes new Amur leopard conservation activities more detailed than above. WWF has not yet received the proposal, so please do not distribute it outside KALCF.

Best wishes,


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