Utopian EcoVillage Network (www.uevn.org)

2002.06.26 | 미분류

*Utopian EcoVillage Network (www.uevn.org)– TROPICAL PARADISE IN ECUADOR. We are an intentional community with a self-sufficient goal; we are seeking people who have a strong desire to live communally.
We are part of a network of intentional communities throughout the world linked with similar values to support each other for the creation of a new society. The basic intention of the Utopian EcoVillage Network is to be a pilot model demonstration of how to live in a real New World consciousness of sharing on all levels: spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.
Features: A few growing climates for agriculture, you name it we are growing it organically, two pure water year-round springs with exclusive water rights, irrigated fields, nearby natural forests, improved/natural pasture land, wild/cultivated fruit, private road access and wideband Internet access.

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